Kathy Dempsey

Kathy is a senior clinician and HAI Manager for NSW Clinical Excellence Commission responsible for the strategic direction and support for Infection Prevention and Control and HAI (Healthcare Associated Infection) reduction across NSW Healthcare. She has 30 years’ experience in health, with previous management responsibility and organisational accountability as the senior ICP/Program Manager for WSLHD for 21 years. Kathy is a Credentialed Expert Infection Control Practitioner (CICP-E) with a master’s degree, a diploma in leadership and management and a range of internationally recognized certifications. She is considered a leader in the field of Infection Prevention and Control. Kathy has extensive and broad expertise in Infection Prevention and Control Clinical Practice responsible for the timely, efficient and effective administration of the HAI program and Infection Prevention and Control with oversight for the planning, implementation, prioritisation and resource allocation of all matters relating to HAI and Infection Prevention and Control. She possesses high level analytical and research skills to inform policy and program development for Infection Prevention and Control and HAI.